"Only feel alive when I hit the floor"
Some of the greatest pop songs have been written about dancing. The two go hand-in-hand naturally. A reader sent me this track (highly encouraged, by the way!) and I absolutely love it. The instrumentation is pure synth bliss with a driving rock beat behind it (think The Sounds mixed with The Pipettes) and the vocals remind me of that female singer from the 90's group Len (remember them? I hope they finally found their sunshine). The hook-laden, "that's a mouthful" verses barrel towards a chorus that seems simple and a bit boring at first but reveals itself as something quite mighty after a few repetitions. It's got a hint of that "tears on the dancefloor" shtick that artists like Robyn have mastered, though the music is far more sunny and bright and organic. This is definitely a top choice for long summer drives while the weather's still nice. Oh, and by the way, the rest of their music is brilliant as well.
The You Know Who - Dance Tonight by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Listen to more here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.