Learning Units - Learning Units enable the instructor to set a structured path for progressing through the content within a course. The instructor may either allow students to access content nonlinearly within a Learning Unit or enforce a sequential path. More information on Learning Units is here.
iLrn - iLrn is a format for learning objects and book materials developed by Thomson Learning (www.ilrn.com). The iLrn types in blackboard allow instructors to post links back to Thomson book materials.
Merlot Content - Merlot is a learning object format. If an instructor has downloaded a learning object in Merlot format (from www.merlot.org), she can add the content to Blackboard using the Merlot Content type.
Offline Content - This lets instructors post a link to an item on a CDROM which the student must insert into her computer before clicking the link.
SCORM Content - SCORM is a learning object format. If an instructor has downloaded or created learning object in SCORM format, she can add the content to Blackboard using this type. Here is information on the SCORM format.
Rich URL - This is used in the case that an instructor wants to post an external link on Blackboard, but the URL of the link must be slightly different for each student based on something about the student (such as the student's email address or gender or name). The Rich URL will let you build a link in Blackboard whose URL contains an element of data about the student.
IMS Content Packaging - IMS is a learning object format. If an instructor has downloaded or created learning object in IMS format, she can add the content to Blackboard using this type. Here is information on the IMS format.
NLN Content Packaging - NLN is a learning object format. If an instructor has downloaded or created learning object in NLN format (from www.nln.ac.uk), she can add the content to Blackboard using this type. Here is information on the NLN format.
Turnitin Assignment - Turnitin allows an instructor to add an assignment for which the students' submissions will be automatically checked for plagiarism using the Turnitin system. More information about Turnitin here.
Document Package - A Document Package is a .zip file containing a hierarchical structure of folders and files. When you add a Document Package to a content area in your course, the folder structure of the zip file will be preserved (reproduced) in Blackboard. More information on Document Packages here.