Aperture Tutorial - Projects Pane - Part 3

Its part 3 in my ever growing series. And this one is about the projects pane. The projects pane. The projects pane located on the left hand side of the window is used to store all your projects withing Aperture. It has a variety of features to help you organize your photos.
As you can see from the image below, click for full size, there isn't much that makes up the project pane, the bottom part of the image shows what happens if you right click on this menu. Aperture Tutorial - Projects PaneThe top section allows you to create new Albums, Light tables etc. These are all for presenting your images. You can create them as blanks or from image selections.

The next section of the right hand click menu is the projects and folder options. These are designed to create new folders and projects to add images into. These are useful if you want to create a new project quickly. Below this there is the option to delete projects, which as the name implies, can delete your projects.

This menu is all about preparing your image, as a result there is the import and export options included. This is useful if you want to quickly import all you photographs quickly. The import button will get you to the same frame as the one shown in the first tutorial. Exporting is the same if you need to take a photo out of Aperture for use in another application.

The reallocate option is useful is you have moved your original photos about. Or if you want to move them to a different space on a different hard-drive.

In the middle pane in the bottom half are previews of all your images, sometimes there may be a fault with the previews or they need to be re-rendered, this option enables you to do this.

The second to last option is the slide show option, which creates a slide show of all of your images on screen. I will go into detail about this later.

Finally at the bottom of the menu is the Print Image, which prints any image that are selected.

In the next couple of Tutorials I will go into more detail about the other panes, and how you can change image effects and properties to suit the needs of you image. If you need to purchase a copy of Aperture please go to the Apple Store to find out more.