Therapy session #1

Time: 8PM
Date: Monday, January 5
Place: Dr.Yehia El Rakhawi's clinic at Downtown

It felt weird to go to such a clinic with your parents and be surrounded by huge diversity of patients, there was about 9 patients before my turn, so we had to wait for like 2 hours to meet the doctor, I quickly scanned the place, it's a place where a good taste goes to die! I loved at every patient(though you would not know how is the patient and who is the companion) for a while, wondering what he/she might be suffering from! It was amazing! No one can judge anyone and anything you do, will be considered normal!
Me and my Mum concentrated on a certain conversation between some Bedouins from Yemen, they were loud thinking that no one would understand what they're saying but little did they know that their dialect is slightly similar to the Moroccan one! So we understood almost the whole conversation =D He's paranoid, believes that his wife is a street hooker who leaves the home at night when he's asleep though he has 9 kids from her and she wears Niqab! No judgment! but I couldn't stop laughing when I noticed that he kept the price tag on his sock! It looked so much like those hideous scenes from our Arabic movies!

Anyway we were in front of the Dr's desk around 10:30, an aging man with stethoscope around his neck and he had minimal difficulty in hearing!
The Dr: Welcome, so what are you feeling Nordine?
Me: *Blushed slightly and laughed*
Dr: How old are your siblings?
Me: my sister is older than me by 2 years and my brother is younger by 8 years
Dr: So tell me, how are you feeling? Why are you here?
Me: I've feelings towards males!
The Dr asking my Mum: When did you know about it?
Mum: I felt it long time ago from...
(The Dr interrupting her): When did you know?
Mum: 5 days ago!
Dr: How?
Mum: His sister showed me some conversations between him and some guys on the internet
The Dr asking my father: When did you know? Did they tell you directly?
Dad: Yes they did....and my dad kept telling him that he felt it from the way I dress, my hair...etc it tended to be sissy!!!
(I looked at my father, didn't believe what he just said! I was like "Believe me dad, you don't want to see how sissy-dressed gay guys would look like!!")
The Dr to my parents: Please leave me now with him and you will come back when I finish

The Dr to me: When did you start feeling that?
Me: When I was 16 years old [I lied]
Dr: not before that?
Me: I sure did but I didn't understand what I was feeling/going through back then but when I grew up, I totally understood
Dr: How? What did you use to do?
Me: I used to love some of my friends in a special way!
Dr: Do you masturbate?
Me: Yes
Dr: How often?
Me: I donno! every now & then!
Dr: Every week or two?
Me: Yes something like that!
Dr: Did you have sex before with a guy?
Me: No! [I LIED again lol]
Dr: Did you kiss any guy from the mouth before?
Me, surprised from the sudden question and how he said it: Umm..No! It never exceeded hugs wa keda [I believe he knew that I lied in this one]
Dr: So do you have/had a boyfriend?
Me: No
Dr: You have never met any gay guy?
Me: I've met two [I lied]
Dr: How?
Me: Through the internet
Dr: What did you do with them?
Me: Nothing, we just met in a café!
Dr, in a somehow rude tone: Do these guys stop at just just meeting in a café!
Me, crossing my leg and gaving him the look: Do you think I go meet any trashy unclassy guy?! I only meet classy decent guys! and I met them because I felt that they are!
Dr: *looking speechless*
Me: *Was just about to say "Don't look shocked hun, it makes ur face looks fat" but I didn't say it*

*End of conversation and my parents are back in*

Dr: your son is a good boy, nothing serious to worry about, many guys passed by what he's feeling, there is no drugs to treat such a problem, there is a big international fuss around this issue from the psychological and medical wise but inchallah with the therapy everything will be just fine!
So now I don't want more information from you(talking to my parents), If you want to know anything just say it as a question.
Mum: his father is travelling soon...
Dr, interrupting her: so what? It's okay!
Mum: but he is going to stay abroad for long time!
Dr: I told you it's okay, I'll be here instead of him!
Dad: Why did this happen to Nordine?
Dr: Qada2 wa Qadar! (It' his fate!)

Dr to me: Do you have any questions?
Me, looking innocent: Are there guys feeling what I'm feeling?
Dr: Yes there are, but the thoundands of guys on the internet don't mean anything, Egypt and we are still fine bla bla bla
Me: *Didn't say any further word and was like "Yeah, RIGHT!" *

The prescription was the following holy instructions to my parents:
  • You are prohibted to give any advice.
  • You are prohibted to spy on him.
  • You are prohibted to talk about this subject ever again except with his Dr, tell his sister that too and thank her for telling you about the whole issue.
  • You are prohibted to talk about past.
and he referred me to one of his assistants to follow-up with him, so next session will be next Monday with the slightly sexy young assistant at 3PM

All in all, my parents are still sweet, following the rules and I started rebonding with them as I felt bad to put them through all of that!