Is America A Paralyzed Nation?

Today’s Washington Times ran a piece about actor Jon Voight.  An outstanding blog that's always in my regular reading cycle  -No Sheeples Here- posted an intriguing analysis of his comments that I felt the need to share... because he challenges us all with this incendiary question: 

“Is President Obama creating a 
civil war in our own country?" 

One must admire the genuine courage of anyone employed in Hollywood who speaks their mind freely... especially an avowed conservative like Mr. Voight (shame about his moonbat daughter, though...).  Such people as Voight and Clint Eastwood -in the mold of Reagan in his acting days, fighting the communist-backed studio unions- are the kind of principled patriots that this country could use a few more of... especially "out there" on the Left Coast.

It was Obama's supposed "hero" Abraham Lincoln -a president who actually presided over a civil war- who had stated:

“If we falter and lose our freedoms, 
it will be because we destroyed ourselves.”

Read No Sheeples Here's excellent piece -here-
