Obama & the DNC's Temper Tantrum

The DNC/White House's Alinskyite reactions to good-faith Americans engaged in healthy particapatory democracy -and voicing their concerns re. the misguided Obamacare legislation- has been nothing short of ghastly.

This administration really looks scared as everyone starts to realize that the $800B Porkulus is a profligate train-wreck... and many Democrats in the House are more than a little apprehensive about putting their hide on the line for what is just the latest of Obama's ill-advised statist power-grabs.

So Team Obama/Pelosi and the DNC are now lashing-out with myriad false accusations- if they're not feeling desperate... their political strategy is then inexplicably wreckless: misleading TV ads- Pelosi, et. al. calling normal Americans opposed to Obamacare "racists" and "Nazis", painting even nuanced opposition as "disinformation", etc. In a bizarre USA Today Op-Ed piece today, Pelosi went so far as to label good-faith health-care demonstrators as "un-American"- (h/t Say Anything)

But the establishment of a White House snitch-site for turning-in blogs or e-mails that oppose his nationalization of the health care industry really takes the cake... what might they be planning for these fishy malcontents?
Van @ Moonbattery has some thoughts...

Now the DNC is even deploying union palookas to crack heads at town-hall meetings, while with no sense of irony simultaneously dissing sincerely concerned citizens/Obamacare opponents as paid shills -even running ads to spin them as "far-right fringe" "bussed-in" for a supposed GOP/insurance-company-funded astroturf campaign, etc. etc.. Meanwhile, SanFranNan was seeing imaginary swastikas, and enemies around every corner (Pelosi's perhaps correct on this one, she does have this effect on people)

All this shameful behavior
-as Obama's momentum evaporates- should make it perfectly clear to anyone just what these power-drunk elitists think of your opinion.

Today American Thinker offers some outstanding insights re. Obama's unsettling, Orwellian/Stalinist snitch-site:

"The Obama administration has made a terrible mistake:

On Tuesday, August 4, the White House posted a blog entry enjoining Americans to spy on one another, and to report any "disinformation" which might undermine the administration's health-care reform:

"There is a lot of disinformation about health insurance reform out there. Since we can't keep track of all of them here at the White House, we're asking for your help. If you get an email or see something on the web about health insurance reform that seems fishy, send it to flag@whitehouse.gov."

How can an American president think to embrace such open Orwellian thuggishness? The answer is a noxious combination of (1) liberal moral obtuseness, and (2) the naked lust for power which has characterized the political left since Robespierre. (The political designation sinistra in fact originates with the French Revolution: Jacobins sat to the left of president's chair in the Third Estate.)"

Read the rest of the story here...

h/t Say Anything
