ObamaCare = EPIC FAIL

It's getting more difficult by the day to envision a scenario in which Obamacare passes the House in anything close to it's current form.

Actually, moderate Dems are increasingly distancing themselves from Obama as his managerial ineptitude becomes obvious... and his poll numbers continue to tank. And the reality of the President's radical, racist, and specious agenda scares away supporters weekly. So it comes as little surprise then if there aren't enough Yes-We-Can troopers left in Congress willing to take-one-for-the-team in the 2010 mid-terms so the team captain can continue with his statist revolution on their political graves.

As the dire prognosis for Obamacare only gets worse, the increasingly desperate Team Obama and Democratic leadership have taken to directly slandering the public, labeling recent Obamacare protestors at town-hall meetings "un-American", "Nazis" -or even the "KKK" in the case of Charles Dingell (D-Mi).

Back in reality, these race-bating hypocrites are the ones who bussed-in union thugs to bully concerned citizens at town-hall events... and are now running ads to hire exactly the kind of rent-a-mob they're falsely-accusing the GOP and insurance industry of doing... paying $10-15/hr to Astroturf for the DNC. Other dubiously-procured friendship would include the pharmaceutical industry's recent back-room deal with Obama, in which they obviously promised support for the bill... in exchange for God-knows-what.

As noted by Van at Moonbattery-

"To paraphrase Ann Coulter, if you want to know what liberals are up to, just listen to what they're accusing you of."

With Obama frantic and scrambling to shore-up crumbling support for this stealth nationalization of the US health-care system, the White House is planning for him to take-it-on-the-road for three upcoming town-hall meetings- which it's safe to assume will be as scripted (with DNC plants) and plastic as we've learned to expect from this crew.

But Barack Obama and his power-grab/socialized medicine scheme are in for a rough ride during the August congressional recess as he will be trying to peddle this disengenuous and unpopular "reform" to an increasingly skeptical public over the coming days.

The Dear Leader is facing a daunting uphill battle:

And as Dorothy Rabinowitz wrote in the Wall Street Journal today... the supposedly gifted speaker and formidable campaigner Obama has been incredibly ham-handed in his presentation and promotion of this misguided legislation:
It didn’t take chaotic town-hall meetings, raging demonstrators and consequent brooding in various sectors of the media to bring home the truth that the campaign for a health-care bill is, to put it mildly, not going awfully well.
It’s not hard now to envision the state of this crusade with just a month or two more of diligent management by the Obama team—think train wreck. It may one day be otherwise in the more perfect world of universal coverage, but for now disabilities like the tone deafness that afflicts this administration from the top down are uninsurable.
Bottom line is that Barack Obama has already wasted most of his political momentum, and has failed to force this legislative Blitzkreig down our throats as planned. With the opportunity for a slam-dunk gone, he faces a brutal war-of-attrition as the country's silent majority comes-to and starts asking some long-overdue questions. The more Americans learn about what was buried in this thing, i.e. government-funded abortion-on-demand... the less they like it.

For those keeping score, this will be the rookie-in-mom-jeans' third strike: the so-called stimulus package is now widely thought to have been a profligate mistake- and now Obama's other two major legislative initiatives -Cap-n-Trade and Obamacare- are in serious peril. Perhaps recalcitrant Democrats in the House and Senate have noted this glaring reality... and are acting accordingly.

h/t Moonbattery

h/t Sweetness & Light

h/t American Thinker
