OK, I know this painting has taken a long time to finish, thanks for hanging in there. School is back in next week and I am back to my old routine of painting every morning, can't wait!
I finished this using FUB, Quin Magenta, trans yellow and a small amount of cad yellow. It has been a wonderful process painting this big and I will definitely be doing some more this size.
I added the shadows on the petals (this is what I drew me to this photo in the first place)using a mixture of quin magenta and F ultra blue and then dropping in some more Quin magenta while they were still wet, it took a few layers to get them to the right shade. I am just finishing a soft pastel of a corn flower and will post it as soon as I am done (it is only 11x14 so I will be done quicker lol) Hope everyone has a wonderful and creative day!
Watercolor 18x26 on 300lb paper