European Left Rapidly Imploding

The socialist parties and policies that Barack Obama so blindly emulates are now in dramatic retreat throughout Europe... as many in the EU finally figure out that none of this big-government stuff works. So why are we saddling our future with monstrous debts- just to adopt such failed, discredited approach in our country?

Pity Europe's Socialists. It's getting lonely on the left.
Just when you might think capitalism's global crisis would breathe new life into the left, it's looking increasingly divided and tired. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's re-election a week ago is highlighting a conservative surge in her country and Europe's other powerhouse economies — Britain, France and Italy — where the center-right is either firmly in power or about to get there.
What happened?
More from the AP/Yahoo -here-
Note how the left-leaning AP attempts -as did the NYT recently- to chalk this up to the European Right co-opting much of the socialist platform... a very helpful argument for their pal Barack, indicating not that liberal ideas are dead... but rather, that the GOP should adopt them!
Meanwhile, Angela Merkel trounced the Left last week, and she did it while making plenty clear to all that she plans to implement conservative, pro-business policies and tax cuts long blocked by her socialist coalition partners (now out of government).
But she's not a real conservative because she's accepted national health care as a permanent reality? LOL, they've had it over a hundred years in Germany... no politician in their right-mind would try to take away an century-old entitlement like this... and all the more reason for us to be cautious before we take the plunge, eh?
The bottom line is Europeans today want less government, not more... and that they learned this the hard way. Why must we repeat their expensive errors and 30-yr learning-curve in America all over again?
Seems absolutely idiotic- doesn't it?