WaPo Calls Obama's Ill-Advised Fight with Fox News "Dumb"

They're starting to turn on him now- calling Obama's propaganda offensive against Fox News "Agnew-esque", the liberal Washington Post's liberal Ruth Marcus wrote today:
There’s only one thing dumber than picking a fight with people who buy ink by the barrel -- picking a fight with people who don’t even have to buy ink. The Obama administration’s war on Fox News is dumb on multiple levels. It makes the White House look weak, unable to take Harry Truman’s advice and just deal with the heat...

Where the White House has gone way overboard is in its decision to treat Fox as an outright enemy and to go public with the assault. Imagine the outcry if the Bush administration had pulled a similar hissy fit with MSNBC...
Read the rest in the WaPo -here-

Update: Wake Up America has Jake Tapper of ABC drilling the Gibster good on all of this, plus Helen Thomas and others' reactions... and of-course the resultant Fox News ratings bonanza -here-