White House: "We Control the Media"

Boy, this one really doesn't know when to shut her word hole. And isn't making political appointments based on ideological purity -rather than professional competence- one of the things that brought-down the USSR?

World Net Daily reports that motor-mouthed Maoist twit Anita Dunn -the WH Communications Director- boasted to the Dominican government in a taped conference that Obama's presidential campaign focused on "making" the news media cover certain issues... while striving to not communicate anything to the media unless it was "controlled".

"Very rarely did we communicate through the press anything that we didn't absolutely control," said Dunn.

Not really a surprise for anyone who's been paying attention- but shocking that a WH Communications Director was stupid enough to say it- and on tape.

Anita? Dunn! But no worries- I'm sure HuffPo will pay her to blather-on for awhile.
