1) Top 5 on your I-pod right now (albums)?
1. Do Make Say Think - Goodbye Enemy Airship
2. Pavement - Slanted and Enchanted
3. Spiritualized - everything really hehe
4. BBC Football podcasts
5. Mogwai - Young Team
2) Greatest band ever? Why?
Pavement. Make me laugh and cry all in the same song, even now. So excited they're coming to NZ in March!
3) Would like to record a song with .......... ? (dead or alive, doesn't matter). Why?
John Lennon. Just a genius really, and a Liverpudlian =D
4) How often and where do you write new material?
Not very often, generally on the sofa/in practice, sometimes ideas come to me in the most inappropriate moments.
5) Best band on Earbiter?
Man, there's too many. I love Ian Brown though. Legend.
6) When are you going to play in Amsterdam?
As soon as we get our shit together. Could be a v long wait!
Thank you Sora Shima! Watch Hovercraft: