Aliftree - Aurevoir
Wow. Trip hop en jazz smelten prachtig samen op de nieuwe cd van Alif Tree: Clockwork. Deze Fransman verdient serieuze aandacht van de kritische pop-pers. Alsof Talk talk zijn rentree maakt. Briljant dus. Piano, experimenteel. Nieuw. Een pareltje. Hij deed swamprock nummer met Tony Joe White, maar een samenwerking met Mark Hollis zou meer op zijn plaats zijn, luister maar naar deze geweldige track.
Wow. A fusion between trip hop and jazz. Together on the new album of Alif Tree: Clockwork. This French artist deserves the full attention of all popcritics. It's like Talk talk making a comeback. Brilliant. Piano. Experimental. New. Worked with legend Tony Joe White. Great. But if you listen to this track, you will think: ask Mark Hollis.
Alif: “We recorded, night and day, got fat because of beer and of sugar in every dish, and came home with a double, not a triple album. That was the beginning of the long lonely tunnel called editing, mixing, producing. 8 months later we finished this in a studio in Paris (...) Without any false humility, I lust say “Clockwork“ is my very best album, no doubt, no comparison.“
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