How on God's Green Earth is Obama Like REAGAN?

There's nothing the Left won't distort, spin, or mutate to prop-up The One these days... including bizarre interpretations of history, like current attempts -as Obama employed himself in the '08 campaign- to co-opt the legacy of Ronaldus Maximus and sell us all on the concept that somehow Obama is going to be a similarly great, transformational historical figure still (when infamous is altogether more likely at this point).

The American Spectator today has Howard Fineman at Newsweek manufacturing a fantasy in which these two presidents have so many similar qualities and views, and would have surely respected each other... while of course Barack will be improving upon everything by "learning from Reagan's many errors"- please.

Obviously, Barack Obama is nothing like Ronald Reagan... unless you count a broad appeal to moderates in getting elected. Key difference being though that Reagan won-over many skeptical moderates... while Obama basically lied to them, and they're plenty mad about that.

Obama's tall and thin, from Illinois, likes sports... uh, that's about it for the similarities.

Meanwhile, Dutch is probably spinning in his grave at 10,000rpm with what incompetent, far-left Team Obama are doing to the America that he loved so much... proposing large, expensive statist solutions to every challenge, bloating government with thousands of bureaucrats, smothering economic growth with red-tape and taxation, looting the treasury and stomping Constitutional safeguards held in reverence by all previous presidents- up until now.

And no president ever spoke-out against the folly of appeasing aggressive foes like Reagan did... a foolish and naive diplomatic strategy currently employed with myopic obsession by the Obama Administration.

Then just contrast Obama's beautification of the New Deal (this time on steroids) with the real-world Reagan Recovery of the 1980s... which actually brought us back from 11% unemployment plus double-digit inflation AND interest rates. This was accomplished through an adherence to the teachings of Milton Friedman- implementing spending and tax cuts, in addition to deregulation and incentives for small businesses and entrepreneurs- all aided by his sunny optimism and complete faith in the American free-market-enterprise system.

But this is all 180 degrees from what the Boy Wonder's now attempting to foist on us with eye-watering tax hikes, a power-drunk spending-spree and nationalizations, and the subsequent smothering/terrifying of small businesses and entrepreneurs... who Reagan famously said "create almost all of the economic growth in the United States".

The simple truth is that President Reagan created over 20M jobs, growing Real GDP by almost 30% in the process... and giving this country eight of the best years it's ever seen.

Those kind of results makes one wonder why Obama’s multi-trillion-dollar spending would impress anybody, with his pledged 3M new and “saved” jobs (whatever those are)… a paltry figure 17M shy of Reagan’s impressive accomplishment. And it's quickly become obvious that Obama's empty pledges can't be delivered upon anyway, unemployment is soaring... so he wants to spend more- makes sense, right?

Ronald Reagan was a towering success as US president, as with almost everything else he ever tried to do in his life... and this dedicated anti-communist was an exceptionally brave man of duty, honor, and principle.

Conversely, the underqualified, habitually-dishonest, serial political opportunist Obama couldn't hold The Gipper's jockstrap- so just screw-off Newsweek, with the "Obama's like Reagan" speil already-- what a crock.

How sweet it is to contemplate the dinosaur media's coming demise... especially dumbed-down leftist rags like Newsweak. If you want something worth reading, try The Economist.