Kentucky State Police To Announce Sparkman Investigation Result

In the recent case of Bill Sparkman -the Kentucky census worker found dead in a graveyard with a rope round his neck- the KY authorities are today set to announce the findings of their investigation in conjunction with the FBI.

Of course you'll recall how the MSM and others on the Left jumped all-over the story when it first came out, hoping for a case of reactionary violence against a federal employee to exploit for propaganda purposes... but it looks as they are again about to be dissappointed by the findings.

The MSM -specifically the AP- hastily ran with a story from dubious, anonymous sources that he was "found hanging"-- and then that didn't quite turn out to be the case.

Stacy McCain was down there doing some gumshoe work right after the story came-out, and he had some interesting findings re. what happened in the days immediately following Sparkman's murder.. more background on the story -here-

The press conference is about to begin now, at 2pm EST...

Keep up on all the developments as they unfold today...
as Stacy live-blogs the story at The Other McCain

Update: Dan Riehl thinks the guy even faked cancer (!)... here