Panicked ACORN Caught Dumping Mountains of Documents

As reported at Brietbart's Big Government (h/t Left Coast Rebel), the San Diego chapter of corrupt Alinskyite racketeers ACORN have now been caught dumping reams of documents prior to California AG Jerry Brown's visit to their offices, and just as an investigation was launched against them- nice, eh? Of course they're already busily cooking-up a BS excuse that only a child would believe...

If this country allows Barack Obama -who has been deeply involved with ACORN for over a decade- to distance himself from this band of leftist weasels -as he has previously done with Blagojevich, Rezko, Ayers, and Wright- then we have only ourselves to blame as the Dear Leader marches-forward with his complete destruction of the American society and position in the world for the next three long years.

The fact is that Barack Obama is very much connected to ACORN, they had a lot to do with him getting elected, and were more than a little-bit ready to manipulate the 2010 census on the government's dime... until they got caught on tape counseling pimps and hookers on how to avoid taxes. Meanwhile, Obama and Pelosi had steered every possible federal dollar their way.

So we need some answers on what the connection is, and NOW... as Obama's promptly attempting to cover-up his ACORN tracks as we speak. His fingerprints are so all-over this one, so it's hard to imagine how his attorney can ever wipe them all... but that hasn't stopped them from trying.

As Andrew Brietbart continues to assemble his case against ACORN's systemic corruption, anti-American activities, and outright fraud... he's got audio up this morning of his interview with the PI who discovered the 20,000+ page doc-dump behind ACORN's San Diego offices.

Hear that and see him directly challenge Obama's own useless AG Eric "Americans are Cowards on Race" Holder on Fox News -here-

And California's State AG Jerry Brown may be a moonbat-freak supreme... but at least he's doing his freaking job...