Reid Schedules Dubious Weekend Vote, Suppresses Debate

The Democrats' head-weasel in the Senate -Dingy Harry Reid- will allow just 10 hours of debate on this radical government takeover of the HC industry prior to a squirelly Saturday-night vote... on the weekend when constituents can't contact their representative's offices because they are closed... isn't that special?.

The vote is expected around 8 p.m. EST, and will determine whether debate can go forward on Majority Leader Harry Reid's 2,074-page bill to dramatically remake the U.S. health care system over the next decade.

As noted by Left Coast Rebel:

... these bastards are pushing this thing despite overwhelming public mistrust... and on a Saturday, no less.

The chicanery amidst us knows no bounds. Massive tax hikes, myriad new agencies, monthly abortions fees, a conglomeration of everything terrible that the Federal Government represents with any entitlement program.

LCReb's got a useful call-your-wavering-Senator-now guide here...

And don't underestimate the Democrat's willingness to make outrageous backroom deals that leave we bagholders with the tab... and them with new statist powers. Senator Landrieu of Louisiana's already been bought off by the Dems... for a honking $100M.

One bright spot for conservatives has been the brave and principled stand of Joe Lieberman, who says he won't vote for cloture as long as it still has a "public option". Revenge is a dish best served cold... maybe it's starting to dawn on the DNC that they really shouldn't have attempted to screw him over for supporting the war-

As you've probably already read, far-left moonbats and members of the barnacle class have put on threatening, intimidating protests right in front of Lieberman's house this week... a shameful tactic against his family and right to a private life at home. Heat up the kettle of boiling oil, Joe- or just have your driver back over em in your Suburban, nobody's going to miss them.

And the Conneticut Senator's latest on this vital vote?
“I’m just — I’m being a legislator. After what I went through in 2006, there’s nothing much more that anybody [who] disagrees with me can try to do.”

“It’s classic politics of our time that if you look at the campaign last year, presidential, you can’t find a mention of public option,” Lieberman said. “It was added after the election as a part of what we normally consider health insurance reform — insurance market reforms, cover people, cover people who are not covered.
I don't know about you, but I'm going to pray that we can put a stop to this ill-conceived tax-n-control grab by the power-drunk Democrats... you'd think that's how a supposedly mature democracy would work, seeing that most people oppose it.

Say Anything blog thinks Reid faces two major obstacles... and they're named Lincoln and Dorgan... -here-

Win or lose now though, seems like the political damage is already done to Barack Obama and his party... they will likely face a decimating retribution and Obama attitude-adjustment at the polls in just 11 mos- some like Dick Morris are already predicting a 100-seat loss. Then, with massive GOP gains we can repeal anything the Obama-Pelosi-Reid junta does manage to get through... let's hope so.

Update: No Sheeples on The Bribing of Mary Landrieu -here-

And now Nebraska Senator and Democrat Ben Nelson is threatening to join the filibuster against this nightmarish legislation... America's Watchtower has the breaking story -here-
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