Trojan Horse Scozzafava Endorses Democrat Owens in NY-23

The Watertown Daily Times reports that DIABLO Dede Scozzafava has now shown her true stripes... and proven her many critics correct when they saw right-through the nominal Republican who withdrew from the NY-23 race yesterday. She today proceeded to endorse the Democrat in the race, Bill Owens... a candidate hand-picked by Nancy Pelosi.

Sour grapes? a RINO skinned? Or did Joey Plugs open up the ol' company checkbook and make a Specter-style bargain for Scozzafava, in order to save the Dear Leader from a humiliation in this high profile contest?

What a piece of crap- something stinks like trash-truck juice here.
Did Team Obama pull some Chicago-style stunt to get her put on the ballot as a GOP Trojan horse... so basically two Dems were running? The seat was only open in the first place because Obama appointed the Republican in it for Army Secretary- and obviously planned to snake it. Scozzafava was then nominated by a shady local committee in a process that local Republicans claimed was dubious (TOCT Report).

Big Dede subsequently proceeds to take a million dollars from the RNC for her campaign, but pulls-out two days before the election and endorses a Pelosi lapdog- things that make you go hmmm.

And enjoy your weekend, Newt- great job, buddy.

Update: The Other McCain is on the ground in
NY-23, getting to the bottom of all this... -here-