Kudu - Love Me In Your Language

"I don't have to understand if you say it like a man"

I've got a weird, fun track for Friday. It starts with a Hey Mickey beat before segueing into an almost frustratingly catchy melody. There are foreign mumblings, soul-pop verses, a new-wave hook and some strange electro-noodling all thrown together in this quirky dance track by New York trio Kudu. It's lifted from their 2006 release Death of the Party, a CSS-type indie-pop album that's pretty under-known. Heavy on the quirk, for sure, which probably limits its audience, but this song in particular is worth knowing. Anything you can hum back to yourself after one listen is okay in my book. I have a feeling that this was a case of "wrong song at the wrong time," because something like this could do very well in the current climate.

Kudu - Love Me In Your Language by alienhits

(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Buy the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.