Dit waren de 10 populairste Oorbijters in mei

This is the top 10 chart of the most popular Earbiters in May.

Jamie Lidell is the new chart leader, but Faithless is not far. Six videos managed to stay in the top 10. Ou Est Le Swimming Pool & Band of Horses have the same amount of points.

1 (-) Jamie Lidell - Enough is enough / Compass.

2 (-) Faithless - Not going home - 3d

3 (1) Keane - Stop For A Minute (feat K'Naan)

4 (2) New years eve party playlist: Kevin Rudolf - Let it rock (Filthy Dukes remix)

5 (5) Aloe Blacc - I need a dollar

6 (3) Lindstrøm & Christabelle - Lovesick

7 (6) Philip Sayce and the fury - Scars

8 (4) Never Shout Never - What is love

9 (-) The Chemical Brothers - Swoon / Midnight Madness

10 (-) Ou Est Le Swimming Pool - These new knights

10 (-) Band of Horses - Laredo