PROOF: The Democrats are at Fault for the The Great Recession

Michael Avitable today put together quite an airtight indictment of liberal economic shenanigans- this is a must read, and will erase any doubt in your mind as to who the true culprits are in this ghastly economic implosion... and it's not George W Bush:
Claims have been bandied about that President Bush was at fault for the economic down-turn that began in late 2007.  Until now, Democrats have pointed the finger at our 43rd President, stating that he single-handedly pushed our nation to the brink of economic collapse.  That stops today.  Examining unemployment, national debt data, and GDP growth, the truth becomes clear and apparent.  President Bush was not at fault for the recession we are in.  The Democrats who took over Congress in 2007 are....

Check it out today at Jumping in Pools -here-