Obama Brings Shame to His Office... Literally

Chicago style comes to the White House- 
who's the designer anyway... Al Bundy?

What else to expect from an insolent community organizer who can't even keep his feet off the (Resolute) desk... much like our Narcissist-in-Chief hates himself, he also often finds it difficult to conceal irrepressible contempt for his own office and country. The changes wrought in an Oval Office makeover while the Obamas went on a extravagant vacation on Martha's Vineyard are hard to understand outside of the context of intentionally demeaning the Office of President.  

Odd and informal -with suburban den furniture- you have to wonder just what the end game is here: plus the timing is awful, already a 18 mos into his term and in the depths of a hideous recession. As most of the country is just thinking of just how fast we can get rid of Obama, he and his charmless gimme-gimme-gimme wife are scarfing lobster like they're going for a Guiness World Record- while indulging themselves in this needless Oval Office makeover, of course all on our tab.
With 80s-inspired casual tan corduroy sofas, odd modern lamps, and a bizarre tile-covered coffee table that wouldn't make the cut at Target replacing a traditional wood colonial one, the office appears far less formal than one would find in the office of president in any nation... let alone The United States of America.

Melissa Clouthier asks at Liberty Pundits:
Is there a method to this hideous madness? Was this a willful exercise to bring down the majesty and intimidation of the room? Is this a way to make America look more base and of the common man? Did President Obama want to make sure the SEIU thugs who hang there felt comfortable? I’m wondering if they’re actually recliners with flip-out arm rests that have hidden drink holders.

Or, does President Obama truly have vile taste? I mean, Michelle has access to the most prominent and successful fashion designers and either doesn’t have a stylist help her or else, has sycophants telling her that she looks good no matter. Perhaps it’s the same with the office design.

And as she points-out, the Obamas should know better than to offend the Left's fashion sensibilities (!)... but even NPR hates it:
My first reaction to the new couches, for instance, was that they looked somewhat less substantial and upscale than one might expect in the Oval Office. (I'm not a big fan of the striped wall paper, either.)

Some others who I informally polled in the NPR newsroom thought the look of the couches, in combination with the coffee table, suggested a college dorm common area, circa 1975.

And this was not the harshest thing said. Someone said the furniture had a second-hand look and that maybe the president should advertise it as part of the new White House's new frugality.
The Daily Mail (UK) notes the removal of Winston Churchill's bust in bronze as well, as Obama tosses another shovelful of dirt on the grave of The Special Relationship. The bust is -unsurprisingly- being replaced with one of Martin Luther King: