If Mitch McConnell and other entrenched GOP fossils didn't get the TEA Party's message coming out of Alaska this week, you have to wonder when they will...
And it is this: Your power to control primaries and stick us with unprincipled candidates is waning rapidly...
& we're taking this country back with or without you.
& we're taking this country back with or without you.
Our nation's admirable tendency to self-correct has not only turned millions on the corrupt and bumbling radicals of the Obama Administration in record time... it now fuels a powerful and influential grassroots movement demanding actual fiscal conservatives on the ballot that are willing to wrestle the leviathan of progressive Big Government right-to-the-ground... like, say- a Joe Miller.
Decisive swing states of 2008 like Ohio are showing strong GOP preferences, recently even telling pollsters they'd -by a plurality- prefer to have George W Bush back. And while Dubya was no Reaganite, it's now dawning on a lot of bewildered folks that it can always get worse... and it did.
Tellingly, even previously-invulnerable statist fiends like Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer are feeling the heat, and the voters' most pressing concern -the economy- shows no signs of helping them with a blip of October growth, either... rather, it's tanking, while an aloof and detached President seems to have abandoned them to their fate...
But like any good football coach, some on the right are sounding a warning against over-confidence, fearful of weak GOP turnout and underestimating our opponents' lack of scruples... not to mention comprehensive disregard for the will of the electorate.
Tellingly, even previously-invulnerable statist fiends like Harry Reid and Barbara Boxer are feeling the heat, and the voters' most pressing concern -the economy- shows no signs of helping them with a blip of October growth, either... rather, it's tanking, while an aloof and detached President seems to have abandoned them to their fate...
There's also those who urge caution in interpreting poll numbers like Rasmussen's Generic Congressional preferences, in that incumbency often trumps stated party preferences on Election Day. Others note that public mood can ebb-and-flow, and that events could somehow conspire in the Democrats' favor over the next two months.
Is there really any chance of a ham-handed GOP dropping this one in the end-zone, tho? I doubt it at this point... maybe if the party establishment was picking the ticket in every race, but that's something they no longer enjoy unfettered influence in doing- better run the next one past Sarah first, heh.
I surely don't advocate resting on our haunches until November -alas, the fight against the relentless march of statism will never end. But as far as the likelihood that desperately-needed, genuine Republican majorities might not actually materialize in the US House and even the Senate, I say bunk... the Democrats are headed for a shellacking the likes of which they've never seen- and even they know it now.
The anti-incumbent mood in the United States today is downright caustic... and still-brewing. But it's also remarkably focused and pragmatic: already it seems most within it have moved-on from what's wrong with the Obama-Pelosi-Reid triumvirate to what needs to be done to change the direction the country is headed-in, as evidenced in Alaska this week... goes something like this: Roll the Dems to the curb in November and replace them with good-faith, fiscally-responsible patriots- that simple, really.
Sarah Palin is of course in the vanguard of this effort, and the opportunity to do so presents itself in just 60 days. Already, a plurality in many districts see that filling seats with Murkowskis, Scozzafavas, and Crists isn't going to jerk the wheel hard enough -if at all- to the right to save our perilously listing ship.
This Great Awakening of independents and moderate voters after the misguided and costly mistake of electing Barack Obama has wide implications, and a fresh focus on a path of action to set us back on a course of fiscal sanity/economic liberty has patriots not accepting smiley-face go-along-to-get-along RINOs who won't slash the budget or pledge to repeal ObominableCare. Voters of all stripes want a real choice in November... and we're going to give it to 'em.
All Dick Morris has to say is you ain't seen nothing yet... (highlights mine):
Morris sure isn't buying the Democrats will of-course still hold-on to the Senate spiel coming from the MSM and online Left, either: