Dingy Harry sweating it in Nevada, Fwank fwustwated, and Boxer on the ropes... here's another statist aparatchik
that needs to go-away... and now's the time:
that needs to go-away... and now's the time:
The Dems seem to think House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer has nothing to worry about in Maryland's fifth congressional district, as do many other political observers... but the facts suggest otherwise (This interview should acquaint you well with Mr Hoyer and his positions).
Interestingly, Hoyer himself actually claimed the Democrats were "a party on the rise" just last week, mocking polls showing double-digit Republican leads on the generic congressional ballot.
Interestingly, Hoyer himself actually claimed the Democrats were "a party on the rise" just last week, mocking polls showing double-digit Republican leads on the generic congressional ballot.
What better way to bring some sorely-needed reality to this detached, blustering 71-yr-old pork-addict than by removing him from office?
And just wait until you meet the challenger: Marine intellegence officer/current USMC reservist Major Charles Lollar...
Republican Charles Lollar is a concerned citizen, taxpayer, hard working business executive, Major in the United States Marine Corps reserve, devoted father of four/husband and church-going Christian.
Republican Charles Lollar is a concerned citizen, taxpayer, hard working business executive, Major in the United States Marine Corps reserve, devoted father of four/husband and church-going Christian.
But is this another squishy, moderate RINO custom-fitted to bring a liberal district Obama-Lite?
Hardly... just check-out the platform (here), this guy is a genuine citizen-politician and principled Reaganite conservative through-and-through.
The NRCC is unlikely to show any courage in this race... but with a little help from his friends, can he ride the Big Red Wave and win this thing, toppling the #2 Democrat in the US House of Representatives?
According to blogger Stacy McCain -who interviewed Major Lollar this week- he sure as heck can:
If you are in a position to help Charles Lollar defeat Steny Hoyer, please at least hit his donation page for $20 today, as this one would sure be sweeet (Lollar for Congress official site here).
Follow this GOP rising star's progress at
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Go get 'em, Major...