"I'm gonna break this"
Denmark's Carpark North have always been a hit or miss band for me. They've released one of my favorite songs (and videos) of the decade with Human, and their string of singles has generally been very strong. But, I've never been able to connect with an entire album (and lord, how I've tried!). So I'm kind of psyched that they're releasing their first greatest hits. It's bound to be an incredibly strong overview, and it's bolstered further by this, their new single. Burn It is my favorite song they've released since Human, and that's a big complement. It's got a similarly herky-jerky beat in the verses, but it absolutely explodes in the chorus. This is like some space-age laser fight. Hyper. Kinetic. There are so many adjectives I could use, but it's better just to listen to the song. You will be impressed. It's like Melody Club on steroids. (I'm a bit bowled over by the intensity, if you can't tell!)
Carpark North - Burn It by alienhits
(Music posted for evaluation purposes only. If you like what you hear, support the artists. Preorder the album here. Follow me on twitter and facebook.