Dem Dummies? This One Takes the Cake

Residents of Arizona's seventh congressional district
-south/southwest of Phoenix- are currently plagued with a US congressman who's
a few tacos short of a fiesta... if you catch my drift:

Meet Rep. Raul Grijalva... a man whose keen domestic insights and principled leadership rival even Slow-Joe Biden's brilliant 2006 plans for surrender in Iraq: Arizona's 7th district US Congressman Grijalva has actually called for a SB 1070 protest-driven boycott of Arizona, his own state- including all businesses -and jobs- in his own district.  I sure don't know who he expects to vote for any more of this...

With such a self-destructive fool in a position of way-too-much power, fortunately there's a sane person running against him on November 2nd... and here's the beauty part: she actually is a rocket-scientist. 

To my thinking, when the problem is an idiot... a genius seems the solution, no...?

Check-out Ruth McClung's bio -here-

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