"Usually, a figure like Romney is the big shot
who arrivesin town to boost a little guy like Rubio.
This time, it's the other way round..."
who arrivesin town to boost a little guy like Rubio.
This time, it's the other way round..."
With Marco Rubio pretty much running-away with it in Florida, all those with presidential ambitions on the Republican side are taking-note of the rapidly evolving political landscape in this country... and making hurried adjustments.
Two things have become apparent re. 2012: Better give us a small-government, Reaganite-conservative... the TEA Party movement will hold de facto veto power over the nomination.
And it won't necessarily be the next-guy-in-line this time, either... both these developments likely sound less than ideal to professional presidential candidate Mitt Romney- the father of RomneyCare does have some explaining to do.
Toby Harnden from The Telegraph (UK) was in Florida this weekend as Mitt was actually stumping for Marco Rubio's all-but-sealed Senate bid. But with GOP rising-star Rubio up 12 points over Orange Charlie, why was Romney even there... and who was more likely to benefit from the association?
America is now making a sharp turn to the right... and the next couple of years look to be quite different than the last: