Last time there was the eyewitness who saw the incident, a child is seen being dragged into the water by something that looks like a long-sized pig. After that, the victim was never seen again, alive or dead. Similarly, the remains of the body or clothing.
Below are pictures of fish predators
"Anything that can drag the buffalo for it certainly has the size and weight as heavy as 90 to 140 kilograms," said Wade, as quoted by Discovery, December 29, 2010.
In underwater research, Wade found goonch catfish, catfish have a similar length of one meter. However, the fish that failed to capture. Further research, it is known that there are several groups goonch and six of them the size of a human.
After failing to catch fish with fishing equipment, Wade tried to provoke the appearance of the fish using a pile of firewood and prepared as if the former cremation of dead bodies. It turns out a success.
A goonch measuring 1.8 meters long and weighs 75.5 kilograms, or 3 times more weight than any other goonch been arrested. This fish is estimated to big and strong enough to eat a small child, but not big enough to drag and eating a buffalo.
From the description of the population, Wade concluded that 'catfish' that has mutated into a taste of human flesh. Fish also continue to grow into a giant after eating undercooked meat remains humans who dilarungkan and sunk in the riverbed.