Silver Medallion - Live Forever

the following video uses imagery that may be deemed offensive to some. phoenix is burning along with silver medallion crafted this video in direct response to the glamorization of porn, politics, sex, greed and religion that our society and generation specifically seem to worship with no regard for repercussions. this video is meant to shine a spotlight on the reckless actions of a generation brought up in a superficial culture, lacking in conviction and a passion for substantial thought. In a world where Lindsay, Lohan, Rush Limbaugh, hatred, religious zealotry and greed are pushed to the for front of our daily lives by the media , this is our push back on all of it. We use strong imagery as a way of getting our point across, offensive to some, we hope our audience understands this video represents a journey to substance, a cleansing of false idol worship in hopes of living for something of substance, rejecting what has been pushed down our throats, and finding truth.

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