When the second man in leadership to the Republican controlled House says Anthony Weiner should "come clean" that's a very big deal. The intensity level of this scandal has just gone up half a dozen notches.
Depending how Weiner reacts will determine how much longer Weiner stays a congressman.
The Hill
House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) on Thursday pressured Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.) to "come clean" about his Twitter controversy.
Cantor said Weiner has a responsibility to his wife and constituents to get the facts straight.
"My advice would be to come clean and clear it up. Again, perhaps he's trying, but I know there's a lot of explaining going on but without a lot of clarity," he said on Fox News.
"And again, the American people are right in saying that they don't have tolerance for this repeated kind of activity going on surrounding their elected leaders," he added. "Think about his wife — I mean, I'm really saddened for his wife, and I think they've only been married a short time."
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