Gaddafi Dead in Tripoli? (graphic photo)

Two sons captured as government defenses collapse
Al Jazeera says Gaddafi's forces in his supposed 'stronghold' of Tripoli just fell apart. The 'Gaddafi dead' pic has been circulating on Twitter overnight, looks pretty gruesomely authentic...

Euphoric Libyan rebels have moved into the centre of the capital, Tripoli, as Muammar Gaddafi's defenders melted away and thousands of jubilant civilians rushed out of their homes to cheer the long convoys of pickup trucks packed with fighters shooting in the air.

The rebels' surprising and speedy leap forward, after six months of largely deadlocked civil war, was packed into just a few dramatic hours. By nightfall on Sunday, they had advanced more than 32km to Tripoli... 

Green Square had been the site of night rallies by Gaddafi supporters throughout the uprising. Our correspondent said the rebels met little resistance as they moved from the western outskirts into the capital. 

"Hundreds are on the street, and most of them are armed. Most of these are fighters who came down from the mountains in western areas of Libya. They entered the capital a few hours ago and with the opposition inside the capital, have managed to liberate the city from the government's control," our correspondent said.

I guess now we get to see -much like with Pelosi's ObamaCare- "what's in" the rebel agenda- something maybe we should have been checking into long before NATO made this day possible.

Naturally, Obama went out on a limb yesterday and said "It's time for Gaddafi to relinquish power"... ha ha, sounds like they told his staff to wake him up on Martha's Vineyard if there's any news imminent he can conceivably take credit for... back to sleep now, Dumbo.

Update: I think the photo was 'Shopped- someone pointed out 
it appears to be in Bin Laden's bedroom (!), casting doubt on the 

AJ    VOA   h/t Gateway Pundit  
Gadaffi dead