Golfing in Besieged World War II Britain

Got to be tough, Lads...

And I used to think my dad was nuts, playing winter golf in Cleveland!  The clubhouse notice below was actually posted in war-torn Britain in 1940 for golfers with stiff upper lips only...
In the Battle of England, Luftwaffe warplanes launched from Norway would fly on missions to northern England and/or Scotland. To prevent icing of gun-barrel tips, the Germans utilized a glob of wax that was cleared as they crossed the English coast by letting loose a few rounds at the golf courses

The hard-core golfers still braving the links were thereby urged to take cover', while new temporary rules covered such concerns as "ball moved (or destroyed) by enemy action"... and they weren't trying to be funny:

19th Hole: Basil Fawlty vs The Germans: