What kind of self-respecting Republican do that?
Now, he wants to be the GOP nominee for president to run against his former boss. If he had a problem with Obama, why work for the guy in the first place?
While campaigning in South Carolina, Jon “No Shot” Huntsman criticizes GOP powerhouse, Texas Gov Rick Perry for not believing the Global Warming hoax. I think it’s pretty clear why Huntsman is going through the motions. Why not throw a monkey wrench into the GOP debate on behalf of Barack Obama?
Hmm? Do you wonder?
Presidential candidate Rick Perry stood by his belief Saturday that manmade global warming is an unproven scientific theory while another White House contender is warning that the mindset puts the Republican Party in a "losing position" in 2012.
Former Utah governor and U.S. Ambassador to China Jon Huntsman, who is trailing top tier candidates in most national polls, openly criticized Perry's position on Twitter this week. He stressed the potential impact on the party in a taped interview that airs Sunday."The minute that the Republican Party becomes the party–the anti-science party–we have a huge problem. We lose a whole lot of people who would otherwise allow us to win the election in 2012," Huntsman said on ABC's "This Week."
Perry defended his position Saturday as he was wrapping up a two-day bus tour in South Carolina.
"I just happen to believe that the earth's temperature has been moving up and down for millenniums now, and there are enough scientists that happen to be skeptical about the reasons for it and I happen to be one of those that are skeptical," the Texas governor told reporters.
"For us to spend billions of dollars on a theory that is not proven and that you have skeptical science against that is not in America's best interest."
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Perry is dead on right!
A scientific theory has to be proven by observable experiments that can be replicated anytime, anyplace before it becomes a scientific law.
If a throw an apple in the air anywhere in the world, the Law of Gravity says that apple will fall to the ground. The theory of man-made Global Warming, Climate Change has yet to be proven, and what has been shown is that some global warming scientists have lied about their data.
It’s a flat hoax!
Let’s move on!