On Thursday as the country ramps up for the start of NFL football, President Barack Hussein Obama is gonma give a speech detailing his plan for jobs.
He of the 38% approval rating and falling desperately needs to hit a home run to set the United States back on the path of prosperity. (Don’t start laughing yet)
Obama is trying to re-write the definition of “insanity” (doing the same things over and over again expecting a different result) by proposing a new “stimulus plan” that will hopefully take a big chunk out of a 9% unemployment rate. (Don’t start laughing yet)
So why would Obama propose more stimulus spending if his first whack at it didn’t work? The answer is pretty simple to understand and most Americans, except for the “duh” Obama supporters, get it.
Obama can’t run on his major legislative achievement, e ObamaCare, because all the polls showed the people did not want it passed.
His administration failed to create jobs as a result of passing ObamaCare, overregulation of private industry, and his continued moratorium on oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico which killed jobs that industry.
Ubder Obama, more jobs have gone overseas than any other president in history.
For the first time in American history the country’s credit rating was downgraded under his watch.
In short Obama’s hostility toward the private sector and his desire to re-distribute wealth from the people who work for a living to the people who don’t work and sit on their asses all day, has become painfully obvious to the vast majority of the American people.
So, Obama on Thursday, with the help of his trusty teleprompter, is giving his 1,000th speech proposing more of the same “job killing” policies knowing the GOP will reject then. When that happens, this becomes Obama’s campaign issue for re-election in 2012.
In essence what Obama will say for his re-election bid:
“The Republicans are being obstructionist.”
“The Republicans are stepping in between you and news jobs.”
“The Republicans are playing the same old Washington games.”
“The Republicans want our seniors to ear dog food.”
“The Republicans want to take away your Social Security.”
“The Republicans want to take away your Medicare.”
“Remember, the Tea Party can go to Hell!”
“The Tea party wants to see you Lynched!”
“The Tea Party wants to see the 1st Black president fail!”
These are the kinds of things Obama’s campaign will basically be about because it has nothing else to offer but character assassination, deceit, misdirection, misinformation, or anything else to cast blame away his own front yard.
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