Popular Celebrity Halloween Costumes

Every year you can see some trendy costume that swarms past your door in droves. Many youngsters may be dressing up like politician Barack Obama, Mc Cain etc. Look for celebrity costume like Bernie Mac, George Carlin, Heath Ledger, Tim Russert etc. It is very difficult to convince your child to be something different when he wants to be a Batman and she wants to be Hannah Montana. It would be better if you allow them to dress up the way they want to, otherwise you may feel guilty later. This season some of the hot costumes for kids are High school Musical characters, Iron Man, Speed racer, Transformers, Harry Potter, Power Rangers and Chronicles of Narnia. Many youngsters would love to wear Twilight series characters. Some teens may love to wear Prom Night and other horror flicks. Popular couple costumes include Ketchup and Mustard, Salt and Pepper, Flintstones, Jet sons, disco couples, Adam & Eve. Couples can choose Ball and chain, Tacky Travelers, Indiana Jones characters, Batman and Joker. Regis and Kelly, Santa and Tooth Fairy, a sexy doctor and nurse, Dog the Bounty hunter character, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt are all good couple choice as well.

Some funny Halloween costumes this year include Taco, Caveman, King Crab, Nerd, and Ninja etc. If you want to look vulgar this year you have a new range of costumes to choose from like Genie in the Lamp, Anita Waxin and Borat Mankini etc. This year wear a costume of your own style. You and your partner can go with a funny local personality, or as TV characters, or dress up like a ghost of your choice. Have fun this Halloween.

It would be nice if you celebrate environmental friendly Halloween. Challenge the kids to reduce, recycle and reuse. Some Green Halloween costumes like poke around the house, in the attic, in the basement, in the garage etc. can be worn by kids. Kids will have a great time going through the fashions of the ages and laughing till they ache that mommy actually wore a cowboy hat and leather-fringed jacket. In addition to recycled green costumes, families can think outside the plastic pumpkin candy box. Halloween is a great time to start learning to celebrate sustainability.

You can also dress up like Star signs. Arians are born leaders so boys would love to look like a superhero: Batman, Spider Man and Superman. Girls would dress up like Batgirl or Catwomen. Taurus is very conservative. They don't like attracting a lot of attention to themselves. So people who are born under this sign might choose: Batman, Bat woman, Pinocchio, Ghost, Vampire or Werewolf. Gemini's are fun loving person. They can enjoy in any occasion. They can wear a witch, devil, mummy costume. You can dress up the way you want to in a Halloween night.