Muse - United states of Eurasia

Hij is gratis te downloaden op hun site. Het hele nummer is een grote buiging naar Queen. Met een intro van Radiohead.. Mmmm. Kennelijk voelen ze zich zo lekker in hun vel dat ze deze vergelijking aandurven. Het lijkt een duidelijke poging om een breder publiek aan zich te binden. Het is goede stadion music for the millions. Dat staat vast.
Het nieuwe album heet The Resistance. Ik denk dat ik mij nog even tegen dit nummer verzet inderdaad.

Well. Queen is an example for Muse. It's probably an ode. Or a spoof. Whatever. It makes me laugh, a great track for Comedy Central. From the new album: The Resistance.

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Jay Reatard - It Ain't Gonna Save Me

Garagerocker Jay Reatard (ook bandlid bij The Reatards en Lost Sounds) heeft al heel wat platen gemaakt in zijn nog vrij jonge leven (hij is nog geen 30). Zoals deze vrolijk klinkende deun. Live schijnt hij onnavolgbaar te zijn.

Garagerocker Jay Reatard with a sunny video. Apparently his live shows are great.


Best of Hope-n-Change

-click on any to enlarge-


-Thanks to Stilton Jarlsberg at Hope-n-Change-

Basement Jaxx - Feelings gone

Het nieuwe album Scars ligt bijna klaar. Hier de eerste - behoorlijk commerciël - single. Zanger Sam Sparrow voegt een funky nieuw geluid toe. Enjoy!

The album Scars is almost ready. The video is - of course - again arty farty. Well enjoy!

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Basement Jaxx "Feelings Gone" from Trendworms on Vimeo.

Full-Metal-Jacket Wrap-Around

curious title "FMJWA" -re. the best of the conservative/libertarian blogosphere- sprang-forth from the minds of affable right-wing rabble-rousers Stacy and Smitty at The Other McCain- per Stacy's famed How to Get a Million Hits on Your Blog.

He dubbed such posts dedicated to reciprocal-links after the psychotic drill seargant's stated principle in Kubrick's Full-Metal Jacket:

" When someone does you a favor,
find an opportunity to return the kindness."

Good advice- and since the only acceptable response is "Sir-yes-Sir!", I'll be doing just that. Besides giving credit where credit is due, an every-Saturday-post like this provides the opportunity to share with readers some intriguing viewpoints and patriots' observations found while gallivanting around the right-fringes of the Blogosphere....

Riehl World View: Blogmeister Dan Riehl notes that despite claims that he would run one of the most transparent governments in American history, thus far we've been seeing just about the opposite from Barack Obama's shifty and opaque administration.

Dan goes-on to tell us how NM Gov Bill Richardson's ethics probe has now been stealthily snuffed by his fellow Democrats- making an even bigger mockery of SanFranNan's ethics pledges- if that's possible.
Read more at RWV -here-

The Other McCain: Stacy has caught Newsweek's fetching science editor Sharon Begley (Beagle-y?) claiming that Obama's "loudest opposition... is the result of confirmatory bias, cognitive dissonance, and other examples of mental processes that have gone off the rails"- In other words, all opposed to the Dear Leader must be nuts... after-all, what other explanation could there possibly be? Same as we heard from Stalin, Brezhnev, and Pol Pot, of course- Thus quoth Mr McCain... a man known to employ sarcasm on occasion:

"Well, there you have it, folks: It's science, and only crazy people argue with science..."
Read more -here-

Moonbattery: Van has a look at Rush Limbaugh's supportive appearance on the Glen Beck Show- and how Beck delivered the far-left group attempting to shut him down -Van Jones' Color of Change- a nuclear pimp-slap by pulling 3+M viewers as he and Rush discussed (yet another) radical Czar who'll be attempting to attack conservative broadcasters in support on his boss' appalling suppression of free speech.
More -here-

No Sheeples Here: This week Carol asks a very important question: WHY is Barack Obama neglecting to honor the victims of 9/11 in it's first anniversary date of his presidency? Could it be more of the Dear Leader's typically cynical political/diplomatic opportunism? Lack of moral clarity? Lack of respect for American heroes in general? Assume the worst, and you're probably warm... continues -here-

Another Black Conservative: Clifton touches-on Sarah Palin's brave support of Glen Beck in the midst of an attack on him by a marxist, anti-American organization which was founded by Obama's Green Jobs Czar, '91 LA Riot veteran and self-proclaimed "radical communist" Van Jones.

So It Goes in Shreveport: Pat provides an excellent overview of what Louisiana Congressman Joseph Cao -the Vietnamese-American GOPer who famously upset

Turns out Mr Cao is the one who's the real American on Capitol Hill... actually holding 100% thug-n-plant-free town hall meetings in good-faith... even though much of his district is unhappy with his lack of enthusiasm for ObamaCare. Here's a guy that actually respects Democracy... maybe because he's from a communist country, and his father was tortured in a re-education camp. And that's a lot more than can be said for most of the ingrates in the ruling party of this country.

Stop the ACLU sounds an apt warning to all patriots:

Ha, tell me about it... know the type- I lived in Venice Beach for 3 yrs, ya know- anything but the most perfunctory greeting is not recommended!

Left Coast Rebel: surveys two Bloomberg pieces, the first re. what he calls "the United States' canary in the coal mine": British taxation and executive flight by society's most productive and high-performing individuals punished by such legalized looting.
Note for Obama: rich people didn't get that way by being stupid or giving away their good luck getting at it, sport.
His second item concerns Obama's re-appointment of Fed Chief Ben Bernanke, in that Uncle Ben will likely be expected to pull off a Volcker-style recovery and save the now-battered Hope-n-Change agenda. Typical of Obama, he wants the result without the hard choices and while maintaining a high-tax, anti-business agenda- then gets someone else to stick their neck out instead.
Bungalow Bill: Bill makes a very interesting observation- Nancy Pelosi suddenly seems really quite desperate in her fundraising calls to save the sinking ObamaCare scheme- Have the Dems run their own coffers dry... as well as ours?

MAinfo: irrepressible patriot Opus #6 -an exceptionally good-looking mother of six, I might add- posts on Bill Turner's Czarist Insanity in America- an outstanding, in-depth, and revealing analysis on Obama's high-command of wack-job Czars- including one kook who thinks trees should be able to sue us.

Besides the fact he's adding a big, thick layer of bureaucracy that's truly unneeded and undermines so many others' authority in current Federal and state positions- have you ever taken a look at the kinds of people Obama's putting in these powerful offices? Opus sums it up well for us -here-

The Dear Hunter - Mustard Gas.

No breakes. Epic. Prog rock revisited.

Hockey - Song away

Band uit Portland heeft zijn derde post te pakken op Oorbijter. We blijven ze volgen en zijn benieuwd waar we over twee jaar staan in dit tempo. Album: Mind Chaos.

Hockey. I don't like the sport. I do like the band. This is the third post on our blog in a short time. Must mean something..

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Hockey - Song Away (Official Music Video)

Vitalic - Terminator Benelux

Franse techno en elektroknutselaar Vitalic heeft een nieuwe single: Terminator Benelux. Die staat op het drie jaar na OK Cowboy te verschijnen Flashmob. De echte fan móet dit lekker vinden, kan niet anders....

French techno/elektro musician Vitalic is back with a new album in september: Flashmob. Listen to great tune Terminator Benelux.


Paloma Faith - New York

Ze is Brits, heeft soul in haar stem en dus leg je snel de link met Duffy en Amy. Dat mag en blijkbaar kan dit genre nog wel even voort. Do You Want the Truth or Something Beautiful? is het eerste album van Paloma Faith. New York is daarvan de tweede single.

Paloma is British and influenced by soul and jazz and it's inevitable she is compared with Amy and Duffy. Do You Want the Truth or Something Beautiful? is her first album.


Those Zany Obamas Again!

-Thanks to Our Allies at


Editors - Papillon

De nieuwe Editors mag hier niet ontbreken. Papillon heet ie. Met deze song duikt de band nog dieper de krochten van de seventies wave in.

New Editors song, Papillon. A journey back to the seventies wave. It kicks like a sleep twitch!


Fat Freddy's Drop - Shiverman

In Australie en Nieuw Zeeland zijn ze al een tijdje de bom. Het is roots. Het is dub, jazz, soul uit New Zealand. Het album heet: Dr Boondigga & The Big BW. Erg goede plaat die langzaam onder je huid kruipt: Shiverman!

They won three awards at the 2006 New Zealand Music Awards. The People's Choice Award, the Highest Selling NZ Album (for Based On A True Story) and Best Music Video for the single Wandering Eye.

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The LOL Obamas!

We pick-up from last week's episode [-here-], where Biden -upon severely shocking himself in a domestic accident- went to the hospital, only to find he's no-longer the Slow Joe we used to know...

-Thanks to Our Allies at


Fuck Buttons - Surf Solar

Het nieuwe album heet Tarot Sport. Deze britten laten de ruiten van mijn auto er bijna uit stuiteren de laatste tijd. Geweldig hoe die gasten tekeer gaan.

The new album is called Tarot Sport. They are blowing the windows out of my car lately.
Great stuff.

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Sen Ted Kennedy Passes-Away at 77

Well, I do feel sorry for him and his family... while no fan, to be sure. And I'll say a prayer for Ted Kennedy and the rest of the clan (am Irish, after all)- I hope that you do to. It's tough, especially with the star-crossed Kennedy's history- I just went through all that with mine, and it's a drag.

Both Michelle Malkin and Jay at Stop the ACLU are correct in saying that exercising some restraint verbally and politically on our side is advisable... whilst on-the-ropes statist opportunists surely attempt to weld ObamaCare passage to "honoring" Teddy... or whatever. Besides the fact that we conservatives should show some class here, America could really use an example of moral clarity at this point in time- and they're not going to get it from the Left.

That said, Teddy Kennedy was a moral black hole.

As noted by Carol at No Sheeples Here, this man was a complete and utter fraud as leader of any kind, but long promoted as a poster-child for limousine liberal's noblesse oblige none-the-less. Kennedy's far-left, liberal influence on the laws of this land also did -and continues to do- far more damage than good. I don't know if he was an evil man, but oft-tipsy Teddy was a comprehensively irresponsible and selfish fake with a seriously-tweaked moral compass. And he had NO business preaching to anyone about anything to do with ethics or "social justice"- please.

But he did it anyway, and for decades- even after he committed carelessly cold manslaughter in an act of mind-boggling selfishness and poor judgement. He then dispensed relentless liberal drivel in the Senate because it was his best professional option, and they let him off the hook. If nobody that mattered to his political career cared... why should he? Like they say, great work if you can get it.

But the hugely damaging DNC/MSM formula of bringing-to-power undeserving and untalented hacks like Kennedy who possess some marketable quality-while concealing their past and granting them a license to kill- has repeated itself with already-disastrous results in the ascension of the unscrupulous Dear Leader today. For this reason, RS McCain is doing a VERY good thing in keeping Kennedy's true character in front of everyone, while stripping-away 40 years'-worth of disgraceful MSM spin. Plainly, this country can't afford mass amnesia and/or wishful thinking regarding it's leadership anymore... just look where it's gotten us.

If the embarassing failure to foist yet another unqualified Kennedy on the Senate earlier this year -and/or Hillary's political neutering- wasn't the end of these DNC shams and their enablers... then the pending economic nightmare of a gruesome double-dip recession coupled to 10+% inflation -all brought on by the DNC's latest profligate Golden Boy- ought to finally do the trick.

Or so you'd think. Alas, millions of fools now act like 9/11 just never happened. There's never any paucity of these willingly deluded slush-heads that Democrats peddle their self-perpetuating version of reality to. And as-long as the DNC enjoys a monopoly in this durable market... who needs a quality product?

UPDATE: Dan at Riehl World View links this post and states with moral clarity:

" Death is not an accomplishment, it's an event. Other than some maudlin sentiment, it does nothing to erase the past and how one actually lived their life."

Read the rest of his take on Kennedy's legacy -here-