Alaska's Alinskyite Assassins

Anyone who had a hand in spreading the recent Palin divorce rumor is a tool- and should be ashamed of themselves. Talk about desperate- hard watching the Dear Leader tank so fast, I guess.
And Palin’s resignation obviously put yet more pressure on Obama to finally get some results, as the soaring rhetoric isn’t hypnotizing the plebes like it used to. Small wonder then that the far-left moonbats of the MSM and blogosphere -along with David Plouffe’s internet squad- are now re-doubling their dishonorable efforts to destroy her.
But this weekend's mischeiviously planted Palin divorce rumor might turn out to be a real can-of-worms for Team Obama and the DNC. First off, Stacy McCain and Dan Riehl promptly uncovered the source of the false Palin divorce rumor as anti-Palin blogger (Immoral Minority) and kindergarten teaching assistant Jessie Griffin of Anchorage. Mr Griffin is now being put up against the wall, served the sort of document by Palin attorneys that tend to focus-the-mind...

[click to enlarge]

Now we have a joint effort by Flopping Aces and The Naked Emperor News that ties together numerous Alaskan Democratic operatives, DNC-affiliated bloggers, and those behind the filing the 15+ frivolous ethics lawsuits against Palin directly to Barack Obama's crew of political racketeers- including Senior White House Advisor Pete Rouse.
Mr Rouse has deep political ties to Alaska, still votes in Juneau on an absentee ballot, but has an office that sits between Rahm Emanuel and David Axelrod... clearly part of the president's inner circle. Rouse's best friend in Alaska -State Senator Kim Elton- is the one who filed the ludicrous Troopergate case during the presidential election.
Things that make you go hmmm-

Flopping Aces:
"Just as a reminder … the players in the ethics complaints also appearing in the video. You’ll find them recurring over and over. Refresh your memories by reading the Alinsky Perfected series.
Troopergate’s Legislative Investigation, led by Kim Elton, Alaska Dem Senator… close friends with Obama Sr. advisor, Pete Rouse. Plus former Democratic Gov. Tony Knowles, forming a neat political triangle.
Linda Kellen Biegel, Deputy Treasurer of Alaskans for Truth
(RR note- this is the slob who had fun making funny pictures of Trigg Palin on her site... and who filed asinine ethics charges against Sarah for wearing an Arctic Cat jacket in public. This miserable excuse for a human being blogs as "Celtic Diva"- and is the official, Howard Dean sanctioned DNC blogger for Alaska)
Kim Chatman, “independent concerned Alaskan”…
Valerie Henning (wife of Zane Henning, who filed a complaint)
Sondra Thompkins, “independent concerned Alaskan”…
And the blogger/radio media cheerleaders who gave them face and air time, Shannyn Moore; Jeanne “Mudflats” Devon (big supporter of Andree McLeod); and Camille Conte (aka CC), chairman of the Alaskans for Truth and host of “Demo Memo” radio show where they discussed revenge strategy on air, trumped up stories together about rape stats that did not reflect the truth."
Go get em ‘Cuda- there’s a lot of us behind you, and more everyday this shameful and underhanded cabal of Chicago thugs attempt to attack you and your fine family. Although terribly overdue, Americans are finally wising-up to Team Obama's specious, radical, and rotten Alinskyite agenda and methods... and they don't like it.

Update 3 August 5:10 pm EST: Dan Riehl is keeping us updated on his research of the Griffin case as it progresses... and it looks like it's taken a surprise turn, and Dan is getting some legal advice before he proceeds with his expose on Riehl World View, in a joint-effort with RS McCain... [here]

Update 5 August 6:00 pm EST: Dan Riehl and RS McCain are doing a simply awesome job discovering just who leftist rumor-monger "Jesse Griffin" is... and it's turning out that he's yet another loser/hater of Palin who's an oddball reject and serial prevaricator... the kind of guy that lies 10x before breakfast...