Van Jones is Barack Obama's Green Jobs Czar.
And if you haven't heard, he's also a self-described black nationalist and communist. Mr Jones was actually arrested during the 1991 LA riots, where anti-American malcontents he met in the can had a life-changing effect on the impressionable, angry lad. Of course, all this should have disqualified him for any position in an American presidential administration... and surely would have, back before the ludicrous Obama era. Radical with vengeful racial agenda? Check! Incompetent and inexperienced? Check! Obedient Obama toady? Check!Suffice to say, Mr Jones will fit-right-in with the rest of Obama's wack pack. But when this appointment is taken in-addition to a Science Czar that has stated that trees should have the ability to sue us in a court-of-law (you read it right) -as well as numerous other out-there WH appointees- this begs the question:Does Barack Obama know any normal people?Green Jobs Czar Van Jones' official title is certainly a Kafka-esque mouthful: Special Advisor on Green Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation for the White House Council on Environmental QualityHow has this man of such grandiose bureaucratic title actually performed over his first few months on the job? While it's often difficult to extrapolate exactly what Obama is actually trying to accomplish with myriad new programs, agencies, and political appointments- it seems safe to assume that the job description involves creating jobs (outside of his own office) of some sort. But in reality, and despite $60B of Porkulus funds dedicated to the task of creating a "green" economy... America's new Green Jobs Czar Van Jones has created exactly... er... none. (h/t Moonbattery)
Maybe we shouldn't be surprised by this comprehensive lack of results, as Mr Jones seems to have no idea whatsoever what a "green job" even is, nor does the Obama Administration... even though he has been tasked with creating them, and paid well to do so.
And as reported in The Examiner:
Jones told Newsweek that the real problem is that no one in authority can agree about just what a “green job” actually is:
"Well, we still don’t have a unified definition, and that’s not unusual in a democracy. It takes a while for all the states and the federal government to come to some agreement. But the Department of Labor is working on it very diligently. Fundamentally, it’s getting there, but we haven’t crossed the finish line yet."
The 41-year-old Yale Law School graduate and civil rights lawyer is also the founder of California's Ella Baker Center for Human Rights- "a non-profit agency for justice, opportunities and peace." Sounds idyllic, but Jones' past isn't so pastoral-
The Ella Baker Center was connected to STORM (Standing Together to Organize a Revolutionary Movement), a "multi-racial activist collective with Marxist influences" with which Jones was involved.
In 1992, Van Jones founded another STORM project, Bay Area PoliceWatch, a "hotline and lawyer-referral service for victims and survivors of police abuse." This is fitting, perhaps, since Jones was himself arrested and detained briefly during a protest after the Rodney King verdict that same year. Jones told the East Bay Express in 2005:
"I was a rowdy (black seperatist) nationalist on April 28th [1992], and then the verdicts came down on April 29th. By August, I was a communist...
"I met all these young radical people of color – I mean really radical: communists and anarchists. And it was, like, 'This is what I need to be a part of.' I spent the next ten years of my life working with a lot of those people I met in jail, trying to be a revolutionary."
Like a character out of The Big Chill, Van Jones seems to have evolved from radical activist to Establishment insider. Perhaps only a left-wing administration incapable of recognizing irony would put a self-described communist in charge of creating jobs.
Luckily for Jones and Obama's many other "Czars" with dubious credentials and troubling backgrounds, his new job was not dependent upon making it through Congressional hearings.