Congressman Tells Rahm to Back-Off: "This Isn't Chicago-"

Following reports that White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel has been orchestrating an effort to intimidate members of Congress and Governors who raise legitimate concerns regarding the effectiveness of the stimulus, House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa (R-CA) sent a heated letter to Emanuel saying:

“While this type of scare tactic may work In Chicago, it will not work to intimidate me or other Members of the United States Congress.”

“I and others have dared to bring these facts to the attention of President Obama, the Congress and the American people,” Issa wrote. You’ve unfortunately reacted by once again resorting to the playbook of the Chicago political machine.”

The hectoring ways of ruthless Chicago thuglet Rahm Emanuel surely work better from a position of strength; he and Barack have no problem reminding you that they're "keeping score", either. But when Blue Dogs and other Democratic moderates sense a presidency in rapid decline -one that seems reckless, radical, and self-preserving above all- they start to think again about just what they're hooking their wagon up-to here... as they ride into mid-terms a mere 15 mos from now.

What a shame for the Bolshevik charlatans of Team Obama that they didn't get that planned civilian militia's boots on the ground before the country started to turn on them, eh?

With the habitual dishonesty, appalling Alinskyite tactics, and towering arrogance of Barack Obama -coupled to his complete inability to handle criticism of any sort- it was only a matter of time before the wheels came off this demented road-trip. The trouble is that Obama appears to lack any sense of self awareness, living in a world of delusion enabled by a fawning press and compliant party machine, while surrounding himself with obsequious bootlicks. Barack really seemed to believe that he was the new Elvis... and now seems genuinely bewildered as he faces opposition to his misguided leftist policies for the first time in his hollow career.

Anyone who's attended a town-hall meeting or read a presidential poll lately can tell you that the country is finally coming out of the ether. And the Dear Leader's default setting -blaming George W. Bush for everything- has surely jumped the shark at this point.

Great job, Congressman Issa- so proud to have the GOP stand up to this outrageous administration. It's about time we all called-out Team Obama on their lies, tactics, and hidden agenda- as this crew is way, way out-of-control.

-h/t: Drudge Report-

Spotted: Emanuel was just seen backing-up a U-haul at the Chicago fish market... then off to OfficeMax for 435 manilla envelopes...