The Navy's New Pirate Vaporizer

The USS Independence:
A triple-hulled monster,
brimming with weaponry...
The Independence is the prototype for a new class of littoral combat ship, the design competitor produced by the General Dynamics consortium.

The ship has recently completed sea-trials, and is intended as a small assault transport with a variety of capabilities dependent upon the mission module installed. In addition to cargo or other container-sized modules, the bay can carry four lanes of multiple Strykers and/or armored Humvees, along with their crews.

Propelled by gas-turbine jets, it's officially capable of over 40 knots (46 mph) -even rumored to be able to attain speeds approaching 60 knots- and on-schedule for initial delivery to the US Navy at the end of this year.

Independence can move huge weapons around faster than any ship in the Navy. Ironic that with all that high-tech and high-speed capability, she reminds one of the Merrimac and Monitor ironclads of the US Civil War era in appearance.

Littoral denotes "close to shore", and that's where it will operate, not in blue-water but rather tailor-made for launching helicopters and armored vehicles, sweeping mines and firing all manner of torpedoes, missiles and machine guns.

Pirates would be well-advised to surrender promptly upon initial radio contact- lol.

These ships were designed to be relatively inexpensive at $208 million ... and the navy plans to build 55 of them. The tri-maran Independence-class is the first of a new fire-breathing breed of ship... think of it as a speedy and heavily-armed aircraft carrier for helicopters.
