Libs Caught Pulling a Fast One

Some express considerable surprise at how quickly the Democrats have proven themselves stoopid, misreading their perceived election mandate severely- thus the aggressive legislative overreach and consequent plunging support. They actually thought that most Americans wanted a statist makeover of this country, and are caught offguard by swelling public outrage... but I don't see it that way at-all.

Obama-Pelosi-Reid and other liberals are plenty out-of-touch with ordinary Americans, to be sure- but if they ever believed that such sweeping, radical legislation had public support -and that this is what people were asking for last November- then why the habitual dishonesty, broken promises for openness/bipartisanship, stealthy power-grabs, the rush towards a vote without reading the proposals, sneaky last-minute amendments, threats to use dubious parliamentary maneuver, a ceaseless propaganda campaign -some of it funded with Federal tax dollars, union bouncers dispatched to bully town-hall protesters, relentless playing of the race card, paid internet trolls... and Alinskyite attacks on any/all opponents?

Does any of that behavior bespeak confidence that America was ready to welcome what they're now attempting to foist on us? Well, ends always justifies the means for the Left, because of-course they know better than the rest of us... but being aggressive, ruthless, and unprincipled certainly doesn't ensure success. The truth is, the Democrats tried to pull-one-over on America... and they got caught.

This is a country that likes a stand-up guy... but not so-much squirelly shell-game socialists who take advantage of our trust. Obama is the opportunist who mistakes good-faith kindness for weakness... not only do you have to back him off, but it's hard to allow the benefit-of-the-doubt (or to like him much) again after that.

Americans have now awoken, and they smell not only the coffee... but a scam... and they don't like it. As the failures mount, they're now expressing that displeasure in no uncertain terms. Sadly, in a time that screams for pragmatism and leadership, Team Obama provides little of either:

Rasmussen has Obama's Approval Index at a -13%, one-point off his all-time low. Although this figure has proven voliatile, for the first time during Obama’s time in office the index is in negative double digits for seven straight days.

Seven months after a pork-laden "stimulus" bill was peddled as something that would cap unemployment in the mid-eights, 49/50 states have lost jobs- six million jobs shy of Obama Administration projections.

With joblessness at a 26-year high of 9.8%, it's clear why the Dems seek any GOP support they can scrounge-up for these blatantly non-bipartisan bills... purely for political cover. Trouble is, he didn't get much of that on the ill-fated Porkulus- so Obama owns this piggy, and he's starting to wish he didn't...

Although we were promised something entirely different, the "stimulus" package has been wholly ineffective... despite its deficit-spiking $800B tab. And the frightening jobs chart looks like it fell-off the edge of the table... -here-

Support for Obama's top domestic priority- the health care plan proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats- is down to 42%...
54% are opposed.

The GOP has beaten the Dems in fundraising for the 2nd straight month.

The Republicans have pulled ahead by five points in the generic congressional poll.

Obama is now out campaigning/fundraising for his party's future, which he and congressional leaders have brought to the edge of the abyss in just seven months. Breitbart reports that the dollars aren't materializing as much as expected—even with a record-shattering fundraiser like Obama working furiously.

Two weeks before off-year elections, Dems are facing the prospect of losing hard-fought gubernatorial races in Virginia and perhaps New Jersey, too.

The Russians and Iranians are making a fool of Obama- as Israel wisely makes plans to go-it-alone

Meanwhile, Obambi is a deer-stuck-in-the-headlights re. Afghanistan- with commanders now begging for him to make some/any decision. And as the Boy Wonder diddles and goes to his standard default setting -blame Bush- Dick Cheney sees a man frozen with fear...

Now doubling-down in his foohardy, diversionary attack on Fox News- the Dear Leader is making himself look still more petty and vindictive with an infantile you-can't-come-in-our-tree-fort chat at the WH- excluding Fox News and other perceived enemies, but including reliable MSM toady Maureen O'Dowd and a couple of the mindless parrots from MSLSD- read about that at Left Coast Rebel... -here-

Another Black Conservative is wondering how a certain knee-jerk bootlick with the tingly thigh didn't make the cut... perhaps the intensity of his Obama-man-crush even gives Barack the creeps? -here-

Stop the ACLU has a look at why Obama is in over his head, sinking fast... while taking America with him -here-.

And the Gateway Pundit has a deeply insecure White House e-mailing MSNBC during their live broadcast to "correct" them- insisting that Jake Tapper's exchange with the Gibster was "not heated"... nothing more pressing, Rahm?