Obama Wins Nobel Peace Prize?

Good grief... for what? This guy hasn't done a damn thing-

And what's he's proposing -"a world without nuclear weapons"- is unfortunately not a goal shared by those most likely to use them in Tehran and Pyongyang, not to mention up-and-coming wannabes in Caracas and elsewhere. Regardless of what noises the Russians might now be making to coax Obama a bit further along, they're the ones spreading most of the nuclear technology around in the first place- while gaining influence and plenty of cash along the way.

Along with Obama's lack of support for defensive missile technologies... how is this any different than unilateral disarmament/capitulation to these vile, aggressive regimes?

Apparently "soaring rhetoric" is all they're really looking for at the Nobel committee- rather than any actual results (like Reagan's ending the 40-year Cold War with a military build-up)... or even a speck of historical precedent that would suggest what Obambi's saying makes sense.

Looks like the international Left is united in trying to prop-up this pompous incompetent Obama in any way they can, so they threw him a bone after the Olympic committee sent him packing with his tail between his legs.

But two Palestinian intefadehs, the rise of Hamas, and many teenage suicide bombers have shown us how deserving Jimmy Carter was of his Nobel... likewise awarded for attempting to appease dangerous enemies, a repeatedly disproven and failed approach.

Meanwhile, those with a little more strategic clarity and a sense of responsibility -say, a Nicolas Sarkozy- have more accurately described Obama's weakness in the face of mortal threats, abandonment of allies, and Pollyanna world-view as "naive":

"President Obama dreams of a world without weapons... but right in-front of us, two countries doing the exact opposite."


Benedict Brogan in London's Daily Telegraph says Obama should show some self-awareness and turn down the award:
"The whole business of a bunch of Scandinavian worthies doling out the profits of a long-gone dynamite maker’s fortune has always smacked of the worst sort of self-satisfied plutocratic worthiness. But this takes the biscuit.

President Obama remains the barely man of world politics, barely a senator now barely a president, yet in the land of the Euro-weenies the great and the good remain in his thrall. To reward him for a blank results sheet, to inflate him when he has no achievements to his name, makes a mockery of what, let’s face it, is an already fairly discredited process...
And PS for the Obots of Norway: if it weren't for American nuclear weapons, you'd already be "celebrating" your 40th anniversary as a Soviet colony... right along with every inch of the rest of Europe.