The Arctic Fox Strikes Back!

Very nice counter to the DNC attack ad- see the video clip at Goverment Mess... blogging right from the heart of one of the left's biggest disasters, Detroit Michigan- so the man knows what horrors unbridled union power and relentless class warfare can bring, first-hand!  

Says irrepressible Ted Nugent Republican Phil: 

Democrats are afraid of Sarah Palin because she is the Kryptonite to all things not Conservative! Sarah Palin will emerge as a front runner to be President in time and they know it! 

Sarah Palin is exactly who we need to really give us Hope again! She cleaned up Corruption in Alaska and she can do the same in DC, she will deliver Real Change unlike the Marxist/Coward in Chief we have now! Palin 2012!

More at  Goverment Mess: 