Hoffman's Tailights Getting Smaller?

PPP is now reporting America's conservative Doug Hoffman leading Democrat Bill Owens by 15 points in a head-to-head contest. In a three way contest Hoffman leads Owens by 19 points, so the Scozzafava withdrawal and endorsement will probably tighten the race some... but not nearly enough to help Obama's would-be lapdog. (h/t Gateway Pundit).

Hopefully this whole bizarre episode of GOP/NRCC bumbling, Team Obama's shameful tactics, and Scozzy's appalling disloyalty will end with a silver lining- one hugely beneficial to the agenda of new Reaganites like Sarah Palin- and thereby the whole Republican Party.

A concise summary of the latest polling data in this dramatic contest can be found at MAinfo -here-

Stacy at The Other McCain is again at-the-front in upstate NY, and took-part in a blogger/media conference call in the wake of Scozzafava's endorsement Democrat Bill Owens, as ertstwhile ally Jimmie Bise of Sundries Shack is back holding-down-the-fort at TOMc HQ with Smitty, keeping us all up-to-speed on the latest developments.

Scozzafava's former campaign spokesman Matt Burns joined-in on the call as well... it was apparent he felt a deep personal betrayal in her dubious endorsement of Nancy Pelosi's handpicked toady Owens. Then again, Burns might just be covering his ass re. any shady deals made between Scozzafava, Charles Shumer, and the White House- as even left-wing HuffPoreported:
Team Obama were indeed desperate for a victory here- In the White House, at the very least, officials are bracing themselves for a loss, calling Scozzafava's departure bad news for Owens. The one hope, they say, is if Scozzafava -- who has more philosophical similarities with the Democratic Party than Hoffman's brand of Republicanism -- was to formally endorse her former rival.

"This hurts," one administration official told the Huffington Post on Saturday, "unless we can get her on board." And on Sunday, the White House all but confirmed that it was after Scozzafava's endorsement.

Appearing on ABC's "This Week," Obama's senior confidant, Valerie Jarrett said the administration "would love to have -- of course, have her support."
Scozzafava talked with Charles Shumer and called Rahm Emanuel on the day of her treacherous ingratiation- with her liberal agenda and union-boss husband, you've got to wonder what was exchanged under-the-table there.

Now Sammy at Yid with Lid reports Darryl Issa's PAC is suggesting just that- and it is becoming increasingly clear that Obama is attempting to buy this election, just like they do it back in scuzzy ol' Chi-Town.

Now she's not just endorsed a Democrat a week after defrauding $1M in GOP campaign support- while claiming she was "proud" to be a lifelong Republican- Dan Riehl has found her actively campaigning for the Democrat Owens, making robo-calls in NY-23. Is this just spiteful vengance? Or part of some deal with our unscrupulous, manipulative White House yet again?

The Left Coast Rebel offers a useful summary on Matt Burns' further insights from inside the Scozzafava campaign -here-

In other statist-FAIL news, slimy NJ Governor John Corzine looks to be going-down in flames now, too- Moonbattery has that -here-. Van also takes a look at Newt Gingrich's lesson learned -here-

Add that to the trouncing the Democrats are facing in the Virginia governor's race, and we are looking at a comprehensive rejection of Barack Obama's radical, "progressive" agenda from most of those he couldn't buy or silence... and not moment too late for the sake of the country.