Scozzy Now Openly Campaigning for Pelosi Puppet

Looks like our Alinskyite-in-Chief must have made a pretty nice deal with vanquished DIABLO Dede Scozzafava- as she's going a lot farther than a casual -if vengeful- endorsement of Pelosi-picked Democrat Bill Owens. 

Never mind that she campaigned as a "reliable" vote against SanFranNan just weeks ago... Scozzfava's now aggressively pumping Pelosi's hand-picked waterboy. If you can't smell a scam here... then you must have a cold or something.

Scozzy is not only now making robo-calls in NY-23 for Owens, but as Owens-supporter Watertown Daily Times said they "crossed paths" (LOL- surely both were surprised) on the trail, where she called for an end to the "hateful and divisive" attacks that drove her out of the race- sound familiar? 

Surely it had nothing to do with the most liberal GOPer in history -dubiously nominated in smoke-filled backrooms against the protests of many- being foisted upon a conservative district that really wants nothing to do with her. Nothing personal Dede- but a lot of us find your voting record, agenda, and shocking treachery to be beyond-the-pale... so call that whatever you like- you fraud.