Perusing the Conservative Blogosphere~

The Conservative Pup -this week's RR Featured Blog- takes a look at why otherwise normal, senible people go and vote Democrat... always wondered about that -here-

Moonbattery presents Alan Grayson, Satanist -here- 

Weasel Zippers caught San Fran Nan pegging the BS meter yet again... -here- 

Adrienne's Corner attended a meet-and-greet with Senator Mike Crapo (R-Id)... what a stunning setting up there in Coeur d' Alene -here-

The Other McCain presents: Stupidest. Democrat. EVAH! Worse than the Guam-tipping-over guy? This one must be a real piece of work -here-

The Lonely Conservative brings us more bad news re. the US doctor shortage. And due to... you guessed it -here-  

Pundit Press finds politically-desperate sideshow-freak Alan Grayson picking a fight now with Sarah Palin, ew boy... if she actually takes the time to bother with this heinous insect, he'll curse the day he was born. And then normal Americans can finally agree with him on something -here-

The Camp of the Saints' Bob Belvedere is an eccentric, right-wing reactionary -and all round great guy- who likes to post pictures of hot chicks from the 60s -here- 

The Current has a brief, illuminating video: The Truth About Capitalism -here- 

Caught Him with a Corndog's Red is back in Texas... beware Lone-Star leftists (if any) -here- 

Government Mess finds Obama playing not just the race card... now it's the slave card, good grief -here-

Conservative Perspective rips a bothersome liberal troll into itty-bitty shreds -here-

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