Chicago Cop's Corvette booted after racking up 62 parking tickets....

Chicago - A Chicago Revenue Department booter -- aka traffic ticket guy -- found a red Corvette illegally parked on State Street on Friday night.

A quick check of records showed that the owner owed the city $1,018 in parking tickets, so the revenue department officer got out the boot.

That's not too unusual.

What's surprising about this situation is that the car belongs to a Chicago Police officer who has racked up 62 tickets in the last 10 years. As the boot came out -- the officer did too (the car was parked near a police station).

The officer seemed willing to accept his punishment, the revenue officer said, but a police sergeant friend was not.

"You've got nothing better than to boot cops? Just wait until you need us one day," the sergeant allegedly said.

The sergeant insisted he wasn't threatening the booter, but still demanded to see his driver's license, claiming the booter was illegally parked.

The booter said the sergeant disappeared, taking the license inside the police station. Twenty minutes later, he returned the license, telling the booter he was now free to go.

Epilogue: On Saturday morning, the cop who owns that Corvette made arrangements to pay his tickets and have the boot removed.