You will probably have noticed by now that hen you miss type a URL or go on a website that doesn't exist you usually get a 404 page or similar. Some website leave it as a boring default, but some get creative and change the style and text.
Although many of these don't have that much useful information they are well designed and some are down right funny.
If you click on the image you will get a full size version. In no particular order:
1) TV Links
A great website where you can get links to TV shows, this is a really good error message because it continues in the style of the website.
2) Google
A bit boring and not as interesting as some, but the cool retro look is great.
3) Orkut
The popular myspace type site from Google, I just laughed at the first line.
4) Reddit
The only reason this is in the list is because of the sad space man thing (can't remember what it is called).
5) Torrentz
Dam hamster powered servers they just can't keep up. This is one of the funniest error messages around.
6) Apple
Probably the best 404 error message here. The only one that contains links to other parts of the site. A well designed error which you can navigate from.
7) Blogger
Again like Apple's this does give some sort of access to other parts of the site after the screw up, although not as much.
8) Digg
The big question mark definitely makes the point that you screwed up.
9) eBay
This again has a lot of navigational links for you to use. With a little descriptive error.
10) Fark
The only reason this is here is because of the chipmunk thing. Very funny.